DC Comics
Batgirl #5 Review
By Garth the Geek
January 15, 2012 - 12:18
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Gail Simone
Penciller(s): Ardian Syaf
Inker(s): Vincente Cifuentes
Cover Artist(s): Adam Hughes
$2.99 US
I imagine reviewing Batgirl is similar to writing a report card for an A student – it's easy to find things to say in the beginning, but after a while, all your comments begin to sound the same...
Excellent Writing: Check
Good Characterization: Check
Good Balance Between Character Development and Action: Check
Good Value for your Money: Check
In fact, my only complaint would be the opening page, in which Batgirl's depicted in a very awkward, ass-in-the-air swinging pose... And I probably wouldn't have minded even that if she had at least been holding onto the rope with both hands... Come on, Barbara! Safety first!
But I digress...
Batgirl #5 follows two main story-lines. The first is Batgirl VS Gretel (aka The Action), in which a new villain has entered the stage. Gretel is strong, seemingly impervious to pain, and is able to control the minds of unsuspecting people. Her victims become irrational, fixated on the number 338. There's a great line near the beginning of this issue: “Crazy lives [in Gotham] on a long-term lease.” And that pretty much sums up the first story-line. Crazy.
(As a side note: I initially misread 'Gretel' as 'Grendel', and couldn't understand how the description, “She's sickly sweet and sadistic!” related to the monster from Beowulf...)
The second story-line is Batgirl VS Herself (aka The Character Development), in which Barbara's mother has shown up on her doorstep. The problem is, her mother abandoned her years ago, and her sudden appearance is forcing Barbara to deal with the pain and abandonment issues surrounding that.
There's also a sub-plot, in which Commissioner Gordon requests Detective McKenna to track down Batgirl. McKenna has been around since issue one, and has become increasingly obsessed with Batgirl, so I'm happy to see Simone is consistently working this into the story and not letting McKenna fall to the wayside.
In short, there's a lot going on here. Simone packs a lot of story (and great writing) into her 20 pages. Oh, and Bruce Wayne makes an appearance.
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