DC Comics
Batgirl #15
By Paul Mason
October 4, 2017 - 10:23
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Hope Larson
Penciller(s): Chris Wildgoose
Inker(s): Jose Marzan Jr.
Colourist(s): Mat Lopes
Letterer(s): Deron Bennett
Cover Artist(s): Dan Mora
Batgirl and Nightwing are in a hospital on the trail of The Red Queen . after a Brushup with some mind controlled people the comic flashes back years ago to Batgirl and Robin on a date, er stakeout, er date as it leads to going to a party undercover. Basically the timeline flips back and forth between Dick and Barbara working years ago and in the present with a dash of their romantic sub tones.
There is a relatively intriguing larger story arc behind the somewhat silly and juvenile issue. Larson knows her target audiende, namely young girls. For anyone outside of that demographic Batgirl can be a very frustrating comic to read. Mainly because the larger interesting story is buried under fluff.
The art is solid not spectacular and not annoying in it’d style or execution.
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