Marvel Comics
Avengers vs. X-Men #11 Review
By Andy Frisk
September 14, 2012 - 19:30
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and Jonathan Hickman
Penciller(s): Olivier Coipel
Inker(s): Mark Morales
Colourist(s): Laura Martin
Letterer(s): Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist(s): Jim Cheung and Justin Ponsor
$3.99 US
Captain America recruits the Hulk (who is feeble minded here while intelligent over in Jason Aaron's The Incredible Hulk-most confusingly), and Prof. Xavier boasts and boasts that he can stop the Phoenix Force powered Scott Summers/Cyclops...and, of course, he can't. Summers is tired of all these "heroes" messing with his plans and takes desperate measures, which of course leads to the birth of the most terrifying force of nature in the universe...
It's time to wrap this thing up. Summers is going to have to be defeated, and yet another battle against a Dark Phoenix looms. The most interesting thing about AvX #11 is that Captain America begins to speak in a way that lays the foundation for the upcoming unified superhero team theme we're going to be seeing in titles like Uncanny Avengers shortly throughout the Marvel U. Now that The Avengers and 99.9% of The X-Men are unified against Summers, Cap is stating that the whole war (that's dragged on all summer) really hasn't been a war of Avengers vs. X-Men. It's been a war of everyone vs. Summers. Okay, I'll take it. Nevertheless, I'm now more interested in, and anticipating, the whole Marvel NOW! thing more than I am interested in, and anticipating, the wrap up of AvX.
The only other aspect of AvX #11 that is remotely appealing is Olivier Coipel's always fantastic art. Yes, he sometimes draws the heads on his characters a little too small ( although this is something that he has improved upon a good bit recently), but his character designs, body language, action choreography and eye for detail are nearly unmatched.
One more "round" to go. Can't wait till it's all over and we can get down to the real fun, i.e. watching Marvel Comics re-energize its comic book line and characters without making a mess of most of them (i.e. The New 52)...hopefully.
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