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Archer & Armstrong #5 Advanced Review
By Andy Frisk
December 9, 2012 - 17:50
Publisher(s): Valiant Entertainment
Writer(s): Fred Van Lente
Penciller(s): Emanuela Lupacchino
Inker(s): Guillermo Ortega
Colourist(s): Matt Milla
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear
Gilad Anni-Padda is the sworn protector of the Earth's Geomancers. He is the Fist and Steel of the Earth and Her sworn protector as well. When The Sect kidnapped and moved the current (and now deceased) Geomancer about the Earth, keeping Gilad from tracking him, Gilad was unable to fulfill his duty to keep the Geomancer alive. Believing that his brother Armstrong's new best friend Archer is responsible for the Geomancer's death, The Eternal Warrior comes after the two with a vengeance...
Finally one of the most interesting (and my personal favorite) Valiant Comics' character is back in action in Archer & Armstrong #5 "The Wrath of The Eternal Warrior." Gilad Anni-Padda has returned to the pages of a Valiant Comics' book and all is right with the world. Well, almost...
Writer Fred Van Lente, who has masterfully introduced and developed every character he has introduced in Archer & Armstrong thus far gives Gilad a rather shallow introduction to the new Valiant U. He's portrayed as a bit of a mindless and unstoppable killing machine motivated by blind loyalty only. A shoot first and ask questions later kind of killer. The original Gilad Anni-Padda was a much more nuanced character from very early on in the original Valiant Comics. Van Lente is as much a humorous storyteller as he is a serious one though, so his characterization of Gilad is fitting with his style. Plus, this is only the beginning of what hopefully will be a long and storied run by The Eternal Warrior/Gilad Anni-Padda in the new Valiant U.
Artist Emanuela Lupacchino comes on board as the penciller for Archer & Armstrong #5 and there is hardly a skip in the artistic beat between this issue and last. Clayton Henry and Pere Perez's style are almost identical to Lupacchino's and both styles are absolutely beautiful. Thick defined lines and plenty of excellent detail abound here and the fight choreography and action are well illustrated.
As quite possibly the biggest Eternal Warrior fan around, I'm overjoyed at the return of one of my favorite comic book characters of all time to the printed page, even though I'm a little disappointed at how one dimensionally he's portrayed during his re-introduction. There's plenty of time for character development later though when he gets his own series (HINT HINT Valiant!). Regardless of The Eternal Warrior's eventual future, Archer & Armstrong remains one of the most fun, action packed, and best reads being published right now.
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