Marvel Comics
All New X-Men #3 Review
By Alexander Jones
December 12, 2012 - 20:02
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Micheal Bendis
Penciller(s): Stuart Immonen
Inker(s): Wade Von Grawbadger
Colourist(s): Marte Gracia
Letterer(s): VC's Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Stuart Immonen
$3.99 US
Another week in Marvel Now! leads to another incredible installment in All New X-Men. Anybody reading these three issues can really get a sense of wonder for what the future could possibly be hold for the X-Men. A real inspiration is clearly defined from Grant Morrison’s X-Men run for keen readers of the title. In fact Morrison's X-Men series directly characterizes the X-Men universe for the past few years up until AVX. Even if you do not have a rich history of the X-Men a clever new reader could pick up on all the nuances and ideas from exactly where these characters are coming from and where they have been the past few years. The main Uncanny X-Men title was struggling for years and the main reason why can be deduced to one simple thing, the characters are not truly fleshed out. Each issue of this series so far has focused on three different sets of characters. Which is amazing considering that the plot is still moving forward and all of these issues do not seem like filler. Each mutant also has a lot of changes to adapt too as they are all in an almost different post Xavier world. With Brian Micheal Bendis in the immediate future of this series so many things are possible.
While virtually everything about this issue itself is incredible including the colors, the dialogue, and the characterization, not to mention Stuart Immonen’s gorgeous visuals, there are a few things that could possibly frighten any reader of the book. First of all is the fast and furious shipping schedule of the book three issues in four weeks is insane. Then factor Stuart Immonen as he must be drawing at an insane pace and things become worrying that art wise the visuals may not stay consistent under the pen of someone else. Yet also the incredible amount of characters Bendis has in play for this series as a whole is insane. While in the immediate future to this series may not be an issue it is just further down the road where trouble may occur.
In spite of that fact this issue is simply great. Emma Frost arguing with Cyclops about her stance on the state of things in the Marvel Universe is enchanting. Magneto finding the true intentions within a lying Cyclops is also a deep introspective and engaging character moment. Another incredibly smart idea is enhancing the mutations for all of the X-Men in general. Even though an X-Men may not believe this, it is an inherent fact that a power or mutation would be an extent of an individual’s personality. During an interview Bendis stated that regardless of what people think when going through a drastic change in your life your appearance changes along with you. Knowing the costumes of the Cyclops team of X-Men will soon change seems incredibly appropriate. The present and future are finally looking bright for readers of X-Men this title is every bit as exciting as we could have hoped for. Although for the X-Men themselves dark times lie ahead.
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