
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Adventures of Superman (2013) #1 Review
By Andy Frisk

June 2, 2013 - 17:17

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Jeff Parker, Jeff Lemire, Justin Jordan
Penciller(s): Riley Rossmo, Jeff Lemire, Chris Samnee
Colourist(s): Jose Villarrubia, Matthew WIlson
Letterer(s): Wes Abbot,

A Doomsday reference in a Superman comic book?! Lex Luthor as an evil businessman out to destroy Superman and not portrayed as a Hannibal Lecter knock-off?! Superman in red trunks?! I must be reading a pre-New 52 Superman book right? Nope. Adventures of Superman (2013) #1, which collects three of the "digital first" Superman stories written and drawn by the likes of Jeff Lemire and Chris Samnee, hit the stands just last week. Maybe my Superman isn't quite dead? Very obviously existing outside the new regular (and totally awful) Superman continuity, Adventures of Superman gives long-term Superman comics readers a little taste of what they've been missing since The New 52 was launched, Clark and Lois' marriage was undone, and Superman's costume got ugly.

In "Violent Minds" Superman battles a psionically powered and mad individual, who turns out to be the latest victim of a series of mind altering tests being performed by the evil minds at Lexcorp (and Lex himself). Jeff Parker's narrative snaps along sharply and Chris Samnee's (Daredevil) art delights in only the way that fellow sequential artist Mike Allred's can. The Jeff Lemire written, penciled, and inked "Fortress" is a touching exposition on what Superman meant and can still mean to millions of kids growing up. "Bizzaro's Worst Day," written by Justin Jordan and drawn by Riley Rossmo is a manga-like Superman adventure against one of his most powerful but dim witted (and therefore highly dangerous) enemies, Bizzaro.

Adventures of Superman (2013) #1 is three stories that focus on Superman's heroism, inspiring persona, and selflessness instead of his isolation, angst, make out sessions with Wonder Woman, and seemingly unrelated strings of events. What is the world of Superman comics coming to? Hopefully its senses.

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