As Lois prepares her news story, which will expose General Lane’s machinations behind the framing of The Metropolis Three and the “murder” of Mon-El, her father’s goons come to arrest her for treason. Lois isn’t one to give up easily though, and even after a threatening confrontation with her father, she still plans to write her story. Meanwhile, Nightwing’s rapid aging condition is reversed, but at the expense of Flamebird’s surrendering to Jax-Ur (her current Kryptonian sleeper agent target) something that might end up dooming her and Nightwing in the long run…

Rucka and Trautmann keep the tension high and story tight without relying on a single super powered fist fight in this issue. Storytelling, tension, and a continued build up to the powerful climax to the overarching World of New Krypton saga are the hallmarks here. Much of this issue is narrated by Jax-Ur as he details his quest to unlock the secrets behind Nightwing and Flamebird’s power. He is a consummate man of science, yet he is adamantly pursuing the seemingly supernatural power behind the two. Jax-Ur’s scientific approach and reaction to Nightwing’s condition and Flamebird’s emotional and supernatural reaction both interestingly oppose each other in the story. Nightwing and Flamebird are supernatural (or so we’ve been lead to believe) and Jax-Ur is the scientific searcher. The allegory of their opposition, and hinted at possible commonality, is a smart diametric that Rucka and Trautmann can do a great deal with storytelling wise.
Perez’s art remains high quality and his rendering of Flamebird in all her effected glory is superb. We really need to see more of Flamebird “flamed out.” His action sequences remain well choreographed, and he adds a great touch with a nod to one of the greatest film franchises of all time by dressing the goons Lane sends after Lois to look like Agents from the The Matrix.
In James Robinson and CAFU’s “Second Feature” starring Captain Atom, we finally get to the point where the Captain is freed from his brainwashed and hallucinatory state which was just plain silly at times. Mon-El brings him to the “new” Justice League, which consists of Green Lantern, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Congorilla, Dr. Light, The Atom (Ray Palmer), Starfire, and Mon-El himself. Is the Captain going to be joining The League? That could make for some interesting developments…
Overall, Action Comics continues to deliver. Not only does it live up to the expectations of being one of DC Comics’ flagship titles, it continues to be one of the best written and drawn superhero books on the market.