DC Comics
Action Comics #0 Review
By Andy Frisk
September 5, 2012 - 18:18
Writer(s): Grant Morrison and Sholly Fisch
Penciller(s): Ben Oliver and CAFU
Inker(s): Ben Olvier
Colourist(s): Brian Reber and Jay David Ramos
Letterer(s): Steve Wands and Dezi Siehty
Cover Artist(s): Ben Oliver
$3.99 US
Referencing how John Byrne sees and draws the Superman shield (it looks like "two strange goldfish" passing each other), filling in a bit of Jimmy Olsen's back story, documenting Superman's first "stronger than a locomotive" moment, and revealing the first images that Jimmy Olsen gets of Superman in action, all while telling the story of a couple of abused boys who make unique use of Superman's cape, Grant Morrison delivers the best Superman story he's written yet with "The Boy Who Stole Superman's Cape."
Action Comics #0, also showcasing Sholly Fisch's "Origin of the Species" back up feature, which documents part of the origin of recent characters highlighted in Action Comics with art by CAFU, is a much better outing than Detective Comics #0 was. Morrison's story captures the beautiful positiveness of Superman, as a character and concept, and Ben Oliver and Brian Reber's art is some of the best, and most beautiful, art we've seen on a Superman book in quite some time. The textured colors and wide open panel spaces coupled with some awesome body language and excellent panel layout makes the look of "The Boy Who Stole Superman's Cape" absolutely beautiful.
I know that I've had my issues with Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics, as well as with his take on Superman, but it has gotten better and better as it has gone along. I'm now actually sad to see him departing the book and character. The only bright spot in the dim parade of poorly written Superman books is about to go out...
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