legacy as the savior of Metropolis is solidified when he manages to defeat
Brainiac, restore Metropolis, and is given the key to the city. Using the
sentient ship that brought him to Earth years ago, as well as his fists,
Superman also manages to create for himself a new Fortress of Solitude (although
it’s never named as such…at least yet).

details of the resolution of Grant Morrison’s first story arc on Action Comics Vol. 2 isn’t nearly as
interesting as the changes that DC Comics are infusing the Superman mythos
with. Honestly, this Clark Kent/Superman just might be unique enough to keep
the courts tied up in years over their custody battle with Superman’s original
creator’s families. Superman’s suit is radically different from his previous incarnation’s
suit. Not just in its new “underpants on the outside” look abandonment, it now
seems to be made of “unstable molecules” that can cause its appearance to
change radically and, at times, confusingly. Superman’s new Fortress of Solitude
is presented as a Satellite of Solitude. Also, kinda like Daredevil, at least
one common person from the slums where Clark lives knows Clark’s secret and has
decided to keep it secret, asking, “So—are you Clark pretending to be Superman or
is it the other way around?” Of course, Clark gives no definitive answer.

this new Superman is only 8 months old, it’s probably natural that he doesn’t
really know himself yet, and that’s the problem with The New 52’s Superman. In
the rushed effort to make him different and “new” (partly because of current
legal worries and partly out of a desperate need to make him relevant
again-even though many of us believe he already was) this New Superman really
has no solid identity, so it makes sense that the character himself wouldn’t
even be able to articulate if he’s Superman or Clark at heart. This rushed and
convoluted identity crisis has resulted in some pretty bad stories about him so
far as well. Morrison has done better with this new Superman here in Action Comics than Perez did with him
over in Superman though. Superman in fact has been pretty bad
(sad since it started so well). It’s been so bad that Dan Jurgens has been
brought back in to help infuse that series with…something. Anything that even
hints at the interest that Jurgens inspired in Superman and Action Comics
nearly 20 years ago would be better than where the book was going.

final issue of the first arc of the new Action Comics had four artists combine
to create the final product. While each is highly talented, it seems only
fitting that a Superman without a solid identity would naturally be without a
solid look, and that’s the case here.
I’ve said before, I’ll keep reading these comics simply because I’ve been a
Superman fan for 25 years, at least, but for the first time in my Superman
fandom I’m seriously tempted to drop my favorite heroes’ books.