
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Aquaman #18
By Hervé St-Louis

March 1, 2017 - 09:13

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Abnett
Penciller(s): Scot Eaton
Inker(s): Wayne Faucher
Colourist(s): Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer(s): Pat Bbrosseau
Cover Artist(s): Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, Gabe Eltaeb; Johua Middleton


Aquaman is caught in a mental simulation that the Chinese antagonist Warhead is projecting into his mind through his techno-telepathy. Warhead wants to explain to Aquaman why he went rogue after having been sent as a killing machine in Khandaq. But Warhead has problems controlling his powers making him attack Aquaman constantly. Outside, the secret services are getting very annoyed with Aquaman’s disappearing acts and want him to stop destroying the university laboratory where he is caught with Warhead. What will the secret services do when they step in the simulation?

Scot Eaton’s work looks so much better when inked by Wayne Faucher. If the editors decide to keep him as the main Aquaman illustrator, since Brad Walker cannot keep on schedule, this would be a good decision. Now, I vastly prefer Walker’s Aquaman. It is more dynamic and less standard but Eaton’s version, while classic is just fine.


This story was good and added more background characters and potential conflicts for Aquaman to deal with. I’d like to see how he would fare in a conflict involving China and Khandaq. These are not the type of stories that we see about Aquaman usually. This issue at the very least, opened the repertoire for new adventures. This story was also good because as he has done many times in the past, Aquaman had to use his brains to fight a threat as opposed to just his muscles.

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