DC Comics
Batman #2
By Hervé St-Louis
July 13, 2016 - 11:46
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Tom King
Penciller(s): David Finch
Inker(s): Matt Banning, Danny Miki
Colourist(s): Jordie Bellaire
Letterer(s): John Workman
Cover Artist(s): David Finch, Jordie Bellaire, Tim Sale
Solomon Grundy has escaped yet again and is battling Gotham and Gotham Girl near the Gotham City Statue of Justice. But Gotham and Gotham Girl seem very inexperienced and it’s up to Batman to take out the rogue. A mysterious man approaches Commissioner Gordon, telling him that he was responsible for releasing Grundy. He then commits suicide. Why was Grundy released and who are Gotham and Gotham Girl?
Years ago, there was a silly moment in Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev’s Daredevil where the hero lifted a car. There is an equally silly moment here when Batman lifts Solomon Grundy and stops him cold. Tom King did not bother with an explanation. It makes the whole Gotham and Gotham Girl plot-line moot if Batman, who is a human, can perform crazy feats that the super powered heroes should be able to do but fail to. Whatever argument King is trying to make about Batman being just a man was nullified in that scene.
I don’t yet buy in into the whole Batman is not enough to save Gotham City plot-line. The opposite has been proven for years. So it is difficult for King to try and pull that excuse today without forgetting close to 75 years of Batman history. Even the self-doubts that Batman reveal seem too convenient for this story
David Finch’s pencils are crisp. Matt Banning and Danny Miki improve. However, I’m not sold on how Finch draws faces.
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