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Classics Illustrated Nominated for Eagle Awards!
By The Editor
February 11, 2011 - 04:37
Classics Illustrated has been nominated for several Eagle Awards! I'd
like to encourage any of you who haven't voted yet to consider the gang
at Classics Illustrated. The publishers and artists have done a lot of
great work and worked very hard in 2010.
I'm not going to pander for votes for myself, but the team involved in CI really deserves some recognition.
The categories that we are in (that I'm aware of) are:
Letter - Jaak Jarve - Jaak has done new letters on a number of the
Classics issues, including my #129 featuring Davy Crockett and he did a
beautiful job.
Best North American Series - Classics Illustrated
(published by Jack Lake Productions)(prestige hardcovers published in
the US by Papercutz)
Best UK Series - Classics Illustrated (published by Classic Comic Store Ltd.)
Best UK Publisher - Classic Comic Store Ltd.
Best European Series - Classics Illustrated (various affiliated publishers)
UK Reprint - Classics Illustrated #27 featuring Ben-Hur (Story- Lew
Wallace, Art -Joe Orlando, Embellishments and colors - Mike Gagnon,
Letters Jaak Jarve)
Best Colorist - Mike Gagnon (me)
invited a number of you creative and comic book types out there. I only
ask that you consider us against the others when casting your votes and
vote for what you feel is best.
The 5 nominees with the highest votes move on to the final voting round on March 14th.
For samples and info on the Classics Illustrated series visit:
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40