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MicroCon Comic Book Convention
By The Editor
April 23, 2007 - 22:24
MCBA MicroCon Comic Book Convention 2007 - Sunday April 29, 2007 - 10AM to 4PM, On the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in the Progress center located at 1621 Randall Ave, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108. Over 75 Comic Book Creators, Comic Book Dealers & metric tons of comic book related paraphernalia! free MCBA grab bags, hundreds upon hundreds of door prizes, free creator autographs, free parking and easy access! MicroCon is one of the fastest growing mega jacked comic book cons in the defined universe, it's also a place to see & be seen at, a great opportunity to network and is the total package when it comes to fun and comic book blingetty bling! So round up your family & friends and come on down to MicrCon! Something for Everyone and Everyone Welcome! PS. Don't Forget: MCBA FallCon, October 6 & 7, 2007 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds! For more explosions of information and/or sparkly data bits: MCBA, PO Box 131475, Saint Paul, MN. 55113 or or
MicroCon: The New Graphic Phenomenon
Event Name: MCBA MicroCon Comic Book Convention
Event Date: April 29, 2007
Event Location: Minnesota State Fairgrounds
Progress Building
1621 Randall Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Hours: 10AM to 4PM.
Admission: $6.00 for adults with $1.00 off with a canned food shelf donation.
Children 9 & under are free.
Information: 612.237.1801
Guest List:
Tom Allison Sculptor, Artist & More
Tim Arney-O'neil 71/2 Moons, Call of Cthulhu CCG
Terry Beatty Pulps, Animated
Andy Brase Darkness & Marvel Covers
Kevin Cannon Top Ten, Bone Sharps,CB &TL
Zander Cannon Top Ten, Bone Sharps,CB &TL
Justin Cermak Space Sheriff
Chad Corrie Divine Gambit Trilogy & Tralodren
Will Dinski Habitual Entertainment
Cori Doerrfeld Leah Books & Bananagins
Darla Ecklund LOTR Masterieces T/C Topps
Tim Erickson Death's Whisper & History Channel
Paul Fricke Troll Lords & Night of the Bedbugs
Pat Gleason Green Lantern Corp
Grant Gould Star Wars 30th Anniv Cards, DC
Terry Griep Scooby Doo, Witchgirls, Spiderbaby
Peter Gross Lucifer, Chosen & Books of Magic
Becky Grutzik Aegis, Reluctant Heros, Sam
Anthony Hary Opossum Creek Bananas RG
Bill Hauser Class of Nuke 'em High & Devils Due
Jessica Hickman Visiting Day & Lord of the Rings
Clint Hilinski The Perfect Ten
Sam Hiti Death Day & Tiempos Finales
Michael Hutchison Metro Med
Chris Jones Batman Strikes & Dr. Blink
Dan Jurgens DC & Marvel Artist
Melissa Kaercher Dr. Blink
Ryan Kelly Local & Lucifer
Joseph Kocholek The McGuffin Exchange
Bob Lipski Uptown Girl Comics
Casy Lodermeier Mark is Still Dead & Short Stories
Doug Mahnke Batman, JLA, 7 Soldiers, Wildstorm
Michael May Comic World News Editor
Jen Menken Mistress Menkens M. of Oddities
Zach Miller Joe and Monkey
Shawn Moll 52, Outsiders, Wildstorm
Sarah Morean Human, Space Boy & BTFPB
Alex Ness Pop Thought
Tom Nguyen Green Lantern Corps, Marvel & DC
Tyler Page Nothing Better
Charles Pechonick House of Duck
Shad Petosky Top Ten, Bone Sharps,CB &TL
Martin Powell Kolchak, The Spider, The Phantom
Gordon Purcell JLA Unlimited, Flare, Snake on a P
Rana Raeuchle Creature Featureland
Andrew Ritchie Pieces from Mom & Cthuhlu Tales
Chucko Roberts Monday's E-Comic & Just a Guy
Brent Schoonover Horrorwood & Astronaut Dad
Jennifer Schultz House of Duck
Barbara Schulz Inker, Artist & Instructor
Sherwin Schwartzrock Armorquest
Gordon Smuder Translyvania TV
Taki Soma Unusual Suspects & You'll Never Die
Vincent Stall KingMini
Len Strazewski Prime & Writer
Steven Stwalley The ICC
Brandon Terrell Horrorwood & Phantom Shadow
Mike Toft Brainfood
Herb Trimpe SA Legend & Wolverine Co-Creator
Chaz Truog Artist, Sculptor
David Watkins The Revisionists
Matt Wendt Hellboy Cards & Shrek 3 Cards
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40