Comics / Comics News

NBM in June: Ted Rall's SILK ROAD

By NBM Publishing
March 29, 2006 - 06:45

NBM in June: Ted Rall's Silk Road

First bit of news:
NBM is moving! Starting March 31, we will be at:
40 Exchange Pl., Ste. 1308, NY, NY 10005
Phone numbers will not change.
And here's what we've got coming up in June, being solicited at your comics stores now:



Part graphic novel travelog, part tongue-in-cheek travel guide, here are the adventures of caustic cartoonist Rall in the wild and wooly central Asian countries, a powder keg sitting on tomorrow's oil... Combines articles with comics chapters relating his experiences retracing the old legendary Silk Road starting with the sublime history of China and ending in the absurdity of the petty dictatorships of the “The ‘Stans” where Rall had the temerity -or was it blustery stupidity?- to go back, including once with a group of listeners to his radio show, on a dare. It’s exotic adventure, satire and a fun way to find out more about a part of the world that looms in importance with its immense reserves of oil...

6x9, 272pp., B&W, jacketed hardcover, $22.95, ISBN 1-56163-454-9

Here's what the press has had to say of him:

"R all is a talented comics artist and a contrarian journalist...A longtime visitor to and commentator on Central Asia, Rall knows his way around war-torn nations." —Publishers Weekly

"Rall's inflammatory work makes his colleagues' work seem timid as a Jay Leno monologue." —Booklist

Rall finds news in the world and a new kind of comix journalism." —Time

NEW from ComicsLit:


Volume 4: Between The Devil and Miles Davis


Amo is a hardened journalist who smokes and drinks too much, though not nearly enough for her own taste. Assigned to profile the late jazz legend Miles Davis, she finds herself at a creative impasse. How does one approach such an 'overly-written-about' artist from a fresh angle, and what's her opinion worth anyway in a world so fast unraveling? At her wit's end, she stumbles into the mysterious 'Smokeasy', the only bar in Manhattan where adults are allowed to behave as such; and it is that misty room that Amo falls under the spell of a ghostly bartender.

6x9, 80pp., B&W, trade pb., $15.95, ISBN 1-56163-469-7


Richard MOORE

When Nessie and Ralph crash the Illuminary's Ball, Paris isn't even mad. He's got a drugged, delirious, life-of-the-party Abbey on his hands, and he'll take all the help he can get. Meanwhile, Glump's Giant Killer Robot malfunctions just a tad.

Quarterly comic book, B&W, $2.95.




Richard MOORE

More of Moore’s fun and unmitigatedly steamy stories and pin-ups stunningly rendered. The man knows how to draw a well-rounded woman, especially their rear-ends!

7 ½ x 11, 64pp., B&W, trade pb.: $10.95, ISBN 1-56163-475-1

Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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