
Monica Edwards - "Harley Quinn"

By Christopher Moshier
May 25, 2007 - 20:55

Monica Edwards: Harley and Selina

COMIC BOOK BIN (through Christopher Moshier): Give us a little bio on yourself.

MONICA EDWARDS: I am (pretty much) a Florida Native.  Yes, really!  I have mainly specialized in dance, but do enjoy acting as well.  I am also a little bit of a "geek" and LOVE Harley Quinn and was thrilled to have the opportunity to play her!

CBB: How did you get hooked up with Rock Art Digital getting the parts of Harley & Selina Kyle?

ME: I had a friend that saw the audition notice posted and knowing my love for the masked psycho he called me and filled me in.

CBB: How familiar were you with the characters you portrayed in the short film before securing the parts?

ME: VERY.  I have carried around an action figure of her in my purse for years.  I subsequently gave Marlene the Catwoman one from the same series.  Awwww.

CBB: Did you read any of the comics or watch any of the animation prior to filming?  How did you get into character?

ME: Absolutely.  And, for those who know me, it's not THAT far a reach.

CBB: How was it working with Marlene?  Any funny stories or character quarks you would like to share?

ME: We had never met before, but I really enjoyed working with her!  Probably the best stories were actually caught on film.  On the dvd (yes, we have those!) there is a blooper real that definitely caught the feel of the whole production.  I ran into her in Target a few months back but mostly we keep tabs through the MySpace.

CBB: What has the Fan Film done for you professionally if anything?

ME: Well - not a whole lot.

I did make another movie with the Dr. from the film a couple of months later.  It was actually a feature length SAG movie called "the Karaoke King."  But that was purely coincidental.

We were supposed to make the prequal of H&S, in full costume, but then I got pregnant (no spandex!) and then before I became show ready again our director moved to another state!

CBB: What is your GEEK-O-METER?  On a scale from one to ten where do you put yourself in relation to comics, animation, pop corn movies and the like?

ME: Ummmmm....Relatively geeky.  Geeky enough to be happy that Christopher Nolan corrected the myth that the Joker killed Batman's parents but not enough to tell you any issue numbers or anything.  I mostly watched the cartoons, especially the Batman animated series in the '90's.  Thus starting my Harley-love!  NO ANIME!!!  Japanimation just isn't my thing.  As far as popcorn moveis, Mallrats will always be one of my all-time favs and with the exception of Jersey Girl and Clerks II, I do own the entire Kevin Smith ouvre.  I will say that the Neverending Story has and will always play a major role in my life!!

CBB: Considering we are celebrating “Women” at the Comic Book Bin and the fact we cover comic books, action figures, movies, etc. what is your perspective, experiences, view on what can be changed or done to draw more women into these industries?

ME: Maybe draw them slightly more realistically?  Big chests are great and all but we don't all have them!  (Unless we're nursing that is) - And more feminine frindly plot lines could possibly help as well.

CBB: You have  the final word.

ME: Thank you to Mr. Scott Robb for telling me about the audition and thereby giving me the chance to play my dream role and thank you to Rock Arts Digital for casting me!!!

If you have any suggestions for articles or want your fan film spotlighted on these here pages or just want to say hello please email me at

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Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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