ComicBookBin for webOS Submitted to Palm
By Hervé St-Louis
July 14, 2010 - 20:06
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Of the three platforms, webOS was the easiest to develop ComiCbookBin by a long shot. I know I'm originally a phone carrying Palm pre guy, but I've been using my Nexus One as my main phone for a month now, to understand Android and make the best app possible for Android. One of my friend even jokes that I've fallen to the dark side. There's a lot to be loved about Android, but nothing beats webOS for elegance and easy usage. I like the browser the best and the multitasking is perfect.
Now if Palm could only make better hardware, I'd be a very happy webOS user. Nevertheless, Android is a great platform and I've learned much from it since I've been using the Nexus One, which by the way is a sweet phone and a good looking toy. It's sexy as hell.
ComicBookBin 1.0 for webOS multitasks, like webOS! It can open multiple cards in some of the features, which makes it easier to use multiple parts of the app all at once. I really like that the webOS ComicBookBin is built from the ground up for webOS and only webOS. The features are roughly the same as the iPhone and the Android versions of ComicBookBin. But the way those features are rendered and delivered is native to webOS and would totally not make sense on an iPhone or an Android phone.
Menu items are not even in the same place, the layout is different. Speaking of menus, I decided to hold off on designing new icons for webOS for ComicBookBin 1.0. I could have done so, but unless I had take the proper time, it would not have been a great result. If I take the time to design icons just for webOS and do it well, it would have taken me another week.
This is a version 1.0 that works well and does what it says it does. You can read the articles from the Bin, you can locate comic book stores in multiple locations and you can find comic book conventions and add them to your personal calendar app.
One feature I had to hold off completely was the visual gallery in landscape mode. It was too slow for me and needs more work to fine tune perfectly. So no visual gallery in this version. Once it's ready, it will be included.
I don't know how long the app submission process at Palm is. I hope that comic book readers that use Palm Pres and Pixis will enjoy this app. It's built for you guys.
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