Wanted #6
By Koncise
January 23, 2005 - 14:19
Top Cow Productions
Writer(s): Akira Yoshida, Mark Millar
Penciller(s): J.G. Jones
Inker(s): J.G. Jones
Colourist(s): Paul Mounts
Cover Artist(s): Paul Mounts
After a few issues, I have to say, I’d gotten a bit fatigued of the story. Millar seemed to be, being crass for the sake of shock, rather than as a tool to evolve the story. The main threads of the plot were good though, so I was interested to see how it ended. Hey I wasn’t disappointed, as this was a real good conclusion. After the shocking re-emergence of The Killer – Wesley’s dad, last issue, we get the explanation for why all this happened. And remember, this is Millar, so it’s not a tepid explanation. You get a little swerve near the end and the last page is just jokes, so this is definitely a good look.
Jones does a nice job this issue. There’s an emotional tone, with a lot of facial movements and these are conveyed to the reader well. Mounts sets the mood perfectly with his colouring throughout. Dick Giardano’s flashback sequences are a nice touch and communicate the diverse time and how things were brighter and bolder before the war.
Report Card - C+
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