Ultimate Power #1 of 9
By Hervé St.Louis
November 5, 2006 - 11:20
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Greg Land
Inker(s): Matt Ryan
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This is a setup issue to that finally links Marvel Comics’ Ultimate Universe with the Supreme Power Universe that was also rebooted a few years ago. Now that this has happened, Marvel Comics have come full circle. Both of their realistic reboot of older franchises are meeting, just like in the classic Marvel universe. The story is short. There’s more exposition than an actual plot. I have a feeling that a story about not much happening is about to be stretched into nine books. The premise is interesting, but my patience for these things is thin.
Greg Land is a wonderful artist whose style fits perfectly with the story. He makes everyone look good. With the apt colouring of Justin Ponsor, this is probably one of the best looking comic books in the stands.
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