By Koncise an out :)
March 29, 2004 - 10:42
Writer(s): Dan jurgens
Penciller(s): Scot Eaton
Inker(s): Drew Gerasi
Cover Artist(s): Bill Sienkiewicz

With the discovery Magni made last issue, will things be coming to a head sooner rather than later for Thor? And will a past threat return to reap the power once held in check by Thor's morality!?!
Magni’s exploration of self and what has transpired on Earth and to Asgard is fully explored. The torment of his discovery is clear, but you can see the determination in his morale fabric that compels him to make a stand. This was a great issue from Jurgens, as he has handled the subject in a way that shows things aren’t always as clear cut as we’d hope and even good intensions can have casualties. And by the looks of the ending, next issue is just going to be bigger and better.
Eaton really imbues the pages with mysticism and the tribulations that are facing Magni throughout this issue. His connection with Jurgens is so apparent, they’re a perfect match. Everything is there to instil the story in such an enjoyable way. From the beginning with Kya, to Magni time travelling, all effects are handled wonderfully. And the facial expressions are great in there personification.
Report Card - B+