DC Comics Toys
Supergirl – Superman/Batman: Return of Supergirl
By Yik-Hai Chan
June 22, 2006 - 06:55

Supergirl – Superman/Batman Wave 2


Sculptor – Big Chief


After many different incarnations of Supergirl, Superman/Batman #8 saw the return of Kara Zor-El since the Pre-Crisis’ version’s death in Crisis on Infinite Earths.  After a rough start of misunderstandings, an appearance from Wonder Woman and a kidnapping from Darkseid, Kara Zor-El reprises the role as Kal-El’s female cousin who also escaped the destruction of Krypton and as the new Supergirl for the Modern Age.




The figure is packaged in a fairly large and standard blister-card packaging, much bigger then those used for Wave 1.  The Supergirl figure is almost fully displayed due to the size of the blister which is great for MOC collectors.  I like the continued use of the front sticker also used in Wave 1, this time showing a Michael Turner drawn image of Supergirl.  The graphics are bright with images of all figures from Wave 2 on the top left of the front and the back, also providing a brief summary of the characters.




The Supergirl figure is based on the art of “Return of Supergirl” by highly acclaimed Michael Turner.  However, if you compare the figure to his artwork especially from issues #12 and #13, there is undoubtedly something inaccurate about this figure.  Although it is recognizable as the Modern-Age Supergirl, I feel that the large eyes, especially the eyelashes, are done so differently from the prototype that it is one of the problems that throw the likeness off.




After close inspection, the figure tries to emulate the pose seen in the DC Direct Supergirl statue but comes off a little strange since the figure is in a float-like state while standing.  In terms of detail, the hair is well done where some strands overlap others, which is a nice effect.  The costume sculpted looks fine if not light on detail, notably the shirt where some folds are attempted but more would have been appreciated.  In terms of the head-sculpt, I believe the problem of likeness lies in the painting but without a test shot to compare it with, it’s difficult to distinguish.




There is a large amount of paint bleed along the rims of the Supergirl costume, especially with the belt where the yellow paint is mixed with the blue.  The main problem with the figure lies in the paint job for the head.  The individual eyelashes are too thick but altogether, create the wrong shape around the eyes.  Each eye has three individual lashes going upwards but based on Turner’s artwork, there should be more, going further toward the sides.  The extra weight of the lashes affect the likeness heavily which is a shame and would have better had they been lighter and followed the shape that Turner draws.  Painted pupils would have also helped.




From the source material, Kara Zor-El should be at least half a head shorter then Superman and Batman.  However, if you compare the Supergirl figure to the World’s Finest of the same wave, you will notice that the top of their heads are level.  The Superman and Batman figures of this wave are fairly tall themselves so when you compare Supergirl with other Modern Age figures, you’ll find that she towers most of them, despite how true size.




The feet are sculpted in a way that one is flat, parallel to the surface while the other is half flat, half off the ground.  With the heavy cape, this sculpting on feet does not do the figure any favours in standing.  The figure cannot stand without some support and even with the base, it’s so top heavy that it can lose its balance quite easily.




Supergirl has 10 points of articulation which is fairly common among DC Direct figures.  It has ball-jointed neck and shoulders, pivoted elbows and knees as well as rotational leg and hip articulation.  The ball-jointed shoulders provide a restrictive range of movement while the articulation in the leg is mainly useful for balance.  The limited number of points makes it difficult to create an impressive pose other then the floating state the figure was based on.




Other then the stand with the Superman/Batman logo, Supergirl has no other accessories to speak of.  The stand itself is nice for something that has already been produced before in Wave 1.  This time it is painted in a glossy yellow colour.




£9.99 is cheaper then what most UK comic stores sell their DC Direct figures so in that respect it’s a good price for who it’s made by.  However, for the figure in question, I would have expected much better quality painting for a figure based for the collector’s market.  If you are planning to purchase this figure, try not to pay more then 12.99 in pound sterling or dollars in the UK/US respectively.




Supergirl along with the rest of the “Return of Supergirl” wave have only just arrived in comic stores this week.  You should be able to find one in your local comic book store quite easily.  This is indeed the first Post-Crisis Kara Zor-El figure but considering its issues, I predict this figure might be hanging onto pegs for a while.




With DC Direct’s current push-backs and delays to improve overall quality of their figures, I can not help but wonder what they are doing to achieve this.  The countless number of issues prevents what could have initially been a great figure, judging by the original solicitation images.  It is a good sculpt but the limited articulation, the poor paint job especially in the eyes and the crooked scale are just some of the problems that will deter fans from purchasing this figure.  If you are a Michael Turner fan, I would suggest saving up your cash and tracking down the Tim Bruckner sculpted Supergirl statue if you don’t have it already.




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