Cartoon Art Museum Announces Artist Reception for Small Press Spotlight on Peter S. Conrad
By The Editor
January 6, 2011 - 10:32
Cartoon Art Museum
The Small Press Spotlight on Peter S. Conrad is currently on display at the Cartoon Art Museum, and runs through Sunday, March 13, 2011.
Peter Conrad is a writer and artist from the East Coast, who has spent fifteen years in the Bay Area looking for decent pizza. He got his start doing cartoons for a music magazine in Poughkeepsie, and from there moved up to self-publishing his mini-comic Attempted Not Known. The first several issues were photocopied and stapled, but Attempted Not Known has evolved into what Conrad calls comic/objects: the last three have been a pack of cigarettes containing 20 tiny comics about smoking, a Comics Cube that you can twist and turn to create new stories, and a 72-page graphic novel in the form of a cassette mix tape.
Now a veteran of many newspapers, magazines, and anthologies, Conrad focuses on Attempted Not Known and his journal strip Vidrio Cafe, which chronicles the day-to-day life of an artist with a day job. You can see Conrad's work at and
About the Small Press Spotlight:
San Francisco has been a hotbed of innovative, groundbreaking comic art since the late 1800s with the advent of the modern comic strip. In the1960s, the Bay Area gained further notoriety when the underground comix movement launched from San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district. Today, some of the biggest names in alternative and small-press comics hail from the Bay Area, and the Cartoon Art Museum's Small Press Spotlight focuses on the works of these talented individuals.
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