Comics News
A MyCup o' Joe Anniversary
By The Editor
September 26, 2008 - 19:51

MyCup o’ Joe Turns 25 With Answers to All Your Questions!

Can you believe it True Believers? We've reached the 25th edition of MyCup o' Joe at MySpace ComicBooks! To celebrate, its fan-question BONANZA! Thats right Marvel EiC, Joe Quesada, is tackling a TON of questions that YOU the fans have asked! Click over to as Joe talks Invincible Iron Man, Thanos, and gives you’re a first look at the script for the next Young Avengers project! Wondering what Dark Reign is all about? Well Joe gets you the scoop. If you're wondering what's going on inside the House of Ideas, this column is a must read!

Did you ask a question? Wondering if maybe Joe answered it? Well, what are you waiting for True Believer? Head on over to and find out!

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