DC Comics Toys
Justice League International Ice
By Hervé St-Louis
March 1, 2009 - 09:53

Sculptor(s): James Schoop
$21.99 US


Ice is the delicate and lovable Norwegian princess with the power to project ice and freeze temperature that was once part of the Global Guardians and switched teams to join the Justice League International in issue #12 where officially, she also first appeared. There has been Mattel action figures of Ice, but this is the first one by DCDirect.


Here, Ice looks as innocent as she did in the Justice League International comic book series. The costume she wears is the original one she had in that series, not the more popular one created by artist Adam Hughes. For some reason, I always imagined ice as being a little less tall and fatter. Here she’s your standard super model. It doesn’t work for her and I have problems warming up to this action figure. It’s a case where she’ll end up in some back row somewhere never to be touched again after this review.


There’s paint stuck on her elbow articulations, making it difficult to move them. Her palms are open, as if she was going to shoot ice from her fingers. But it looks silly and there’s no way of posing them properly. I also don’t like the big shoulder pads that stop her from having decent ball-jointed articulations. It seems to me that James Schoop, the sculptor uses the same base for all his female action figures. Hence Ice has a generic look and besides her innocent face, there’s nothing special about this action figure.


The packaging for this series of action figures would have been great, if it was not for the additions of thumbnail images of Ice and G’nort that were not part of the original illustrations for the first trade paperback edition of the Justice League International compilation. There mug shots look awful and in different line scale than the other characters depicted.


Rating: 6.5/10

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