Formerly Known as the Justice League #5
By Koppy McFad
November 9, 2003 - 10:09
DC Comics
Writer(s): Keith Giffen, JM De Matteis
Penciller(s): Kevin Maguire, Joe Rubinstein
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Among the problems to keep them busy is an unconscious Captain Atom leaking energy in a hospital, Blue Beetle trying to call for help on a payphone (the guy's an inventive genius and he doesn't have a cellphone?), the reappearance of a character with a cult following (no, not Guy Gardner) and Max Lord bickering with a female robot. There are a few snickers along the way as well but basically, Giffen and DeMatteis try to get laughs by making their characters look like idiots. They really do a number on Blue Beetle this issue, making him embarrass himself in front of Barbara Gordon.
Frankly, this formula is getting old. This is the fifth issue in the mini-series and you would think that by now, we would see these Superbuddies show at least some signs of competency. Instead, even the smart characters seem to be getting dumber. Furthermore, the writers aren't even trying to make things exciting anymore. The only action sequence takes place off-panel.
Maguire and Rubinstein do a competent job but they are often forced to cram in as much detail as possible in tiny panels. Yet when they do get a chance to do large splash pages, they come off an unimpressive. All in all, a disappointing issue for all concerned.
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