Terrible International Fan Films...err...RIPOFFS!
By Christopher Moshier
July 10, 2006 - 00:05
There are some really good things the United States is known for, bombing the Hell out of Third World Countries, rescuing everyone’s preverbial butts (did Al Qaeda help in the Pakistan relief effort?), and making awesome movies (OK! And a lot of crap too!). Go Hollywood!!!
There are some really good things Third World Countries are known for, suppressing their people, strapping explosives to children in the name of Allah, launching firecrackers into the Pacific Ocean and making really crappy movies. But what happens when these countries make crappy movies based on American comic book or sci-fi properties? Well now that could get funny or make your head explode.
Some may think my previous comments are racist in nature. Let me assure you I hate all races and creeds equally so I am not singling anyone out.
That of course was a joke!
These are more rip-offs of the source material than actual Fan Films, but I thought it would be fun to share them with you if you weren’t already aware of their existence.
Make sure you click on the BLUE links to learn more about these GEMS or for more surprises!
If you could have seen my face when I watched the clip provided in this article it was one of sheer disbelief. I almost crapped an Ewok. The fact this movie was actually released and celebrated was enough to drop my jaw. It's about as amazing as the fact that Greedo didn't shoot first. This is so bad it is funny.
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
3 SUPERMEN ARE BETTER THAN 1Another Turkey from Turkey! If you vomit on a can of suck you could also produce these great offerings. This isn't just one bad film, but several in a series with such forgettable titles as; 3 Supermen in Tokyo, 3 Supermen in the Jungle, 3 Supermen and Mad Girl, 3 Supermen in the Orient, 3 Supermen against the Godfather, 3 Supermen at the Olympic Games, and last, but certainly not the least - 3 Supermen in Santo Domingo.
I apologize to the fact I couldn't find any video, but the link provided has a lot of pictures of these soiled corn parts picked from my...
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto!! In all fairness the US butchers the Power Rangers so it is only fair that Japan can butcher Spiderman. The evil "Iron Cross Army" (Testsu-Jyuuji-Gun) murders Yamashiro, Hiroshi and attempt to kill his son Takuya (Toudou, Shinji). Takuya's life is saved by Garia, The Spider-Man, an alien who came to Earth in the spacecraft Marveller. Garia injects a liquid into Takuya which not only heals his wounds but also gives him super strength, the ability to climb walls and a special sense of danger (ie "Spider-sense").
If crap had webbing it could swing between buildings!
AND YES! I realize Japan is not a third world country...well...not anymore.
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
INDIAN SUPERMANIn this Indian take on the classic superhero story, a young baby from the doomed planet Krypton is sent to Earth, where he is adopted by an elderly couple in India who name him Shekhar. After growing to an adult and learning about his origins and powers, he goes to the city in search of his school sweetheart, Gita, who has become a newspaper reporter. At the same time, Verma, Shekhar's rival for Gita's affection in their school days, has gone on to become a crime lord and general super-villain. Verma has hatched a plan to become rich by devastating part of India with natural disasters, then buying up all of the abandoned land. Will Superman/Shekhar be able to put a stop to Verma's evil plan? Will he win Gita's heart? Will he keep his double identity a secret? Will Apu from the Simpsons give this film 10 turbans?
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
ALYAS BATMAN EN ROBINIt is a highly rated movie in the Philippines featuring the spoof of the original Batman and Robin starring funnyman Joey De Leon as Batman and his son Keempee as Robin. Several villains also are adapted such as Joker and Penguin (spoofly as Chu-pa-eng-gwin) portrayed by the late comedians Rene Requistas and Panchito.
There is a crap theme forming!
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"Holy bad cinema Batman, Mexico makes crappy Rip Offs too!"
"Don’t worry old chum. It can’t be any worse than the movie Master of Disguise."
"Gosh! You’re right Batman. What ever happened to Dana Carvey?"
The Mexicans sure loved their wrestling back in the day. A mad scientist wants to create a race of super gill men. He uses the glands of wrestlers because they are "perfect". Wrestlers are winding up dead all over Acapulco so the call goes out for that mysterious crime fighter BATWOMAN!
If crap had wings this baby would fly!
This is an "unofficial" Santo film, known outside of Turkey mostly via poor bootlegged dupes under titles such as "Captain America And Santo Vs. Spiderman." Turkish filmmakers weren’t very hesitant to "borrow" fictional characters from other countries without bothering to get permission: Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Tarzan, and Mandrake The Magician all made Turkish film appearances.
If crap could run this would be a marathon winner!
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
SUPERMEN DONUYORThe Turkish Superman is even better than the original. Why? Well, Superman's father is missing a number of teeth. Superman can see through women's dresses, which causes him to continually pratfall. For shots of Superman flying through the air, the filmmakers simply used a Superman doll and shot it from far away. To create the illusion of space, we are treated to a dark room filled with Christmas tree ornaments glued to a cardboard wall covered with glitter.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s crap!
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
BEDMEN YARASA ADAMLook dear Bruce Wayne School of dance! At least this Batman is so sensible he takes off his cape before scrapping it up with the bad guys. If BrokeBack Mountain didn’t sent chills up your heterosexual spine then the ballet between this Batman and Robin certainly will.
It was a joke!!!
Click on the "Play" Icon to watch an episode.
I could keep going all day, but it is just too painful. If you want to learn more about these films from the planet crap I’ll shoot you couple links. If you are interested in these films and want to add them to your collection check out Super Strange Video. They have a great collection of these terrible gems for sale online. If you want to learn more about these types of international films and Fan Films in general a great resource is Super-Heroes Lives. They have the most definitive list of Super-Hero Fan Films anywhere on the internet. I know as I spent a couple of hours on the website!I must also take the time to thank YouTube and the YouTube community. I wrote this article about six months ago for another website. As with many of the articles there I am bringing them all over to the "BIN". Anyways, I found a few video files here and there on the internet for this particular article, but now as I am updating it YouTube has become a valuable tool. YouTube rocks!
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Terrible International Fan Films...err...RIPOFFS!