Elite Gudz and Hardcore Street Bomber BRONX
By The Editor
February 26, 2010 - 13:03
Elite Gudz has released the third and most cryptic video in a series starring graffiti’s most iconic and prolific artists as they join the ranks as official Concrete Immortalz.
With both his voice and identity kept concealed, BRONX came out to destroy the Concrete Immortalz mural and give his thoughts on the project.
Originally painted at Tuff City Tattoo by Phetus and Such, the Concrete Immortalz mural was immediately destroyed by Cap, Cope2, T-Kid, Ban2, Indie and Cheez as a tribute to the real life actions that go on within the graffiti subculture.
View the video right here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ9nXrR4Ot4
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To view the entire first issue of Concrete Immortalz online, visit ConcreteImmortalz.com
For behind-the-scenes content, visit the Elite Gudz Facebook Fan Page @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Elite-Gudz/194289207940