Comics News
New Reckless Sidekick Swass-Cast is now Up!!!
By The Editor
July 9, 2010 - 07:24

The Swass-Cast returns with a brand new episode. This time we're talking about some of the best comic book rivalries out there. We each bring our top three rivalry lists and discuss each choice and why we think they qualify. Then the gloves come off as we look at some of the worse rivalries in comics. Sit back and enjoy this funny and offensive episode, guest starring our favorite puppet Greengo. We have also added several download options from the website now and if you don't have time to watch the video there is always an audio only MP3 as well.


We are also hard at work on the Hero Envy Comic book mini-series -- more than half of the second issue is complete and we are looking towards the third issue and then Diamond Distributors as well. Stay Tuned -- we are just warming up!!!

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