Comics News
Sequart Releases Comic Criticism Book “How to Analyze and Review Comics”
By Hervé St-Louis
June 28, 2021 - 09:20

ISBN: 9781940589244
$19.99, 236 pages
Release Date: June 2021

Sequart publisher Julian Darius announced on June 25, 2021, the release of How to Analyze and Review Comics, a new book edited by professor Forrest C. Helvie of Norwalk Community College on comic analysis and review. The book features articles on various topics ranging from inking, colouring, lettering, reading protocols, formats, criticism, and even web comics.

How to Analyze and Review Comics fills a gap in the art of reviewing comic which had not been addressed as extensively since. It is meant to be used by readers, creators, reviewers, schools, and academics. The 236 pages book features articles written by industry experts and academics (William Allred, El Anderson, Christine Atchison, Laura Braunstein, Harry Candelario, Scott Cederlund, Carolyn Cocca, Fraser Coffeen, Sarah Cooke, Enrique del Rey Cabero, Michael James Griffin II, Jeffrey Hayes, Christopher Haynes, Jason Kahler, Brian LeTendre, A. David Lewis, Ryan K. Lindsay, Christopher McGunnigle, Michael Moccio, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Hervé Saint-Louis, Suman Sigroha, Philip Smith, and Benjamin Towle. It also features interviews with interview with Brian Michael Bendis, Becky Cloonan, Rachel Deering, FCO Plascencia, Comfort Love, Hannah Means-Shannon, Michael Avon Oeming, José Villarubia, Adam Withers, and Jim Zub).

How to Analyze and Review Comics can be bought in print or on Kindle.

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