Captain Canuck: Unholy War #2 of 3
By Hervé St-Louis
June 24, 2006 - 12:32
Comely Comix
Writer(s): Riel Langlois
Penciller(s): Drue Langlois
Cover Artist(s): Dave Ross, Drue Langlois
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The story is easy to pick up with a very straightforward storyline that reads and feel like Canada. The characters are easy to relate to although one wonders why a man with no powers would want to masquerade as a super hero. Moreover, if it’s so easy to identify the man beneath the mask, why didn’t his colleagues arrest him yet?
Langlois gives all of his characters small heads, small necks and huge cheekbones. They all look like teenagers who haven’t finished growing up. The artwork is stiff although the action is clear and plenty. It seems that the colouring was done in Illustrator, giving a 1990s look to the comic book. Sure, it created cool gradient effects and soft traced lines, but it also makes the comic book look dated.
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Captain Canuck: Unholy War #3 of 3
Captain Canuck: Unholy War #2 of 3