DC Comics
Birds of Prey #95
By Hervé St-Louis
June 24, 2006 - 16:00

DC Comics
Writer(s): Gail Simone
Penciller(s): Joe Prado
Inker(s): Dick Giordano
Cover Artist(s): Brian Hurt

The Birds of Prey are up against Prometheus the best martial artist in the DC Universe. The Birds of Prey want to prevent Prometheus from killing the Crime Doctor, the Society of Super villains’ assassins who turned who wants out. Meanwhile, Black Canary decides that she has had enough with her special training by Lady Shiva’s mentor, “Mother” and wants out. Will Mother let her slip away easily?

As the Crime Doctor says “ . . . Any decent super freak battle is just rank banter.” Well, you have it from the doctor. Not much fighting occurs in this issue and the fight against Prometheus is a non fight, similar to the one that pitted the Birds of Prey versus Deathstroke the Terminator in issue #90. Fortunately, Simone shows us why Black Canary is truly a heroine and a good soul. The ending of the story with Lady Shiva will have you laugh out loud for a good five minutes.

Just looking at the cover, one could see that art wise, it wasn’t the strongest issue of the series. The storytelling and the choreography of the fight between the Birds of Prey and Prometheus is all over the place in a weird page crossing panel layout. Such storytelling invariably doesn’t help the smooth reading of a comic book and are but excuse for an artist to show some of his work. It hurts the book, instead of helping it.

Rating: 6/10

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