DC Comics
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 198
By Koppy McFad
January 7, 2006 - 02:38

DC Comics
Writer(s): Will Pfeifer
Penciller(s): Chris Weston
Inker(s): Chris Weston
Cover Artist(s): Chris Weston

A mystery man has been vandalizing "Bat"-themed landmarks but now, in the second part of a three-chapter story, he starts going after people wearing Batman paraphernalia. But wait! It is all part of some scheme to attract the Batman's attention. Frankly, this kind of plot is getting overused. Do all villains need to have a personal relationship with Batman to carry out their dastardly deeds? One might start thinkinig that Batman causes more crime than he deters. There is also the unnecessary "Silence of the Lambs" scene where Batman breaks into Arkham to question the Joker about these attacks. But the writer and artist do come up with an innovative villain. An ageing, two-time loser who still manages to threaten the big, bad Bat. They put enough quiet hopelessness in this guy to almost make us sympathize with him. It gives the story a sense of realism despite the unrealistic plot.

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