Astonishing X-Men #17
By Hervé St.Louis
September 23, 2006 - 19:59
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Josh Whedon
Penciller(s): John Cassaday
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I’ve been complaining about the lack of story material in Astonishing X-Men for months. I’ve come to the conclusion that all the padding is for readers who prefer the psychological elements of the story instead of seeing a meaningful progression. It’s the only way I can justify all the empty story elements in this book. The cover tells it like it is. It’s just a blank with some people experiencing new emotions. All of the issue is nothing but a flashback/illusion gone wrong. Where this story fits with the regular continuity of the X-Men world is not even worth asking.
Cassaday’s work is a pleasure to watch. He adds to the psychological element of this story. If fact if he weren’t there, people would have complained that this story was poor a long time ago.
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