DC Comics
Aquaman Sword Of Atlantis #47
By Hervé St-Louis
March 23, 2007 - 22:54

DC Comics
Writer(s): Kurt Busiek
Penciller(s): Phil Winslade, Butch Guice
Cover Artist(s): Phil Winslade, Butch Guice


This issue, King Shark continues to relate the story of his first encounter with the original Aquaman in a remote Atlantean outpost. While Aquaman tries to solve the mystery of the decapitating murders in town, King Shark is intent on feasting on Vulko and a local prostitute. Will Aquaman arrive in time to save the captives from King Shark and stop the mysterious murders in the remote Atlantean town?

Although Aquaman doesn’t sport his traditional gear, in the flashback, it’s still the same heroic square jaw character. It’s fun to see a villain relate a story where we dread they might kill some of the characters. It’s more refreshing to see things the way King Shark saw them, even when we can tell he is changing the facts to make himself look better. Several obscure subplots are raised in this issue, which is odd as they will not be dealt with by the current creative team. I wonder who is that pink kind in the coral.

I really like how the Atlanteans have adapted to see life. Some have tentacles instead of hairs. Others have weird appendices that look like coral. Still, Mera’s underwater dress looks odd. As for the outpost keeper, he looks like a 19th century British explorer in Africa, not an Altantean civil servant. The inking is uneven, although the art is graceful and really make the characters feel like they are underwater.


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