Young Liars #12
By Zak Edwards
February 17, 2009 - 18:23
Vertigo Comics
Writer(s): David Lapham
Penciller(s): David Lapham
Colourist(s): Lee Loughridge
Letterer(s): Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Artist(s): David Lapham
$2.99 US
If Young Liars was canceled today and no new issues were ever printed, this ‘final’ issue of Young Liars would be very disappointing. As I discussed with my last review, Young Liars seems to be experimenting with serialized fiction, almost mocking it at times. This issue is no exception. Where twelve issues is generally the point where a book has finished a year and perhaps a complete, overarching story, Lapham has just continued to mess with his readers. While this discontinuous narration filled with a ton unreliable narrators and characters may be frustrating, the book is one which demands attention and concentration. It’s not there to entertain as much as be art, and art it is. At this point, I would like to remind you this book is one which may not be for the littler comic book fans as it contains violence, drugs, sex, profanity, and many other things which could be considered inappropriate.
Spoilers Present Below: You Have Been Warned
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And Lapham’s art is the only one that could keep up with what he’s doing. Every page is working within his eight-panel structure I remember him referring to as the most cinematic for his style in the paratext of the first volume of Stray Bullets. But because of the constant variations, it is hardly noticeable and certainly not repetitive. The issue is devoid of flashy multipage splashes, but this makes sense, Lapham is telling a story not fixiated on putting a bunch of superheroes against each other, his is very much a drama of human lives, no matter how crazy it gets.
9/10 Four out of five on the impressed scale, five out of five on the confused.
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