X-Men #31 Review
By Andy Frisk
July 9, 2012 - 11:57
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Wood
Penciller(s): David Lopez
Inker(s): Alvaro Lopez
Colourist(s): Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer(s): VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Jorge Molina
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True to form, master scribe Brian Wood continues to build upon the premise he laid out for his X-Men run last issue and focuses on story over action in “Blank Generation Part 2.” Of course, you can’t have a superhero book without action and the superheroics look to return next issue, but here in X-Men #31 Wood instead focuses on the tension created amongst Storm's crew that the discovery that mutants, like humans, have genetic ancestors.
The art team of David and Alvaro Lopez continue to bring Wood’s tale to life quite ably. Their proportions and panel layout are excellent as always. Their backgrounds are a little to sparse for my tastes though. Maybe as time goes by they’ll get the time to fill in some background detail.
Overall, Wood’s early run on X-Men is shaping up to be a worthy one, just like all of his works are.
Rating: 9/10
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