Wonder Woman # 36
By Koppy McFad
October 23, 2009 - 23:58
DC Comics
Writer(s): Gail Simone
Penciller(s): Aaron Lopresti
Inker(s): Matt Ryan
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Travis Lanham
Cover Artist(s): Aaron Lopresti, Hi-Fi
$2.99 US 32 pages
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This issue seems like it was re-written in a hurry, to accomodate plot changes that were forced on it by the editors or due to events in other comic titles. The main focus of the story is Wonder Woman's break-up with Nemesis, even before their romance could get off the ground. The reasons for the break-up seem contrived. Is it because Nemesis is appearing in FINAL CRISIS: ESCAPE and has something else planned for him afterward? Whatever the reason, the break-up just doesn't look convincing.
Less convincing is Wonder Woman's abrupt recruitment of an old foe to help fight her would-be successor Achilles just when Achilles is about to stop a war in some foreign country. Achilles is always being taken down too easily. He is starting to look like a second-rater instead of the world-changing hero he is suppose to be. In addition, Wonder Woman befriending her enemies and getting them to fight at her side was already done before, with the Gorilla City warriors. Maybe the writer is using this gimmick again to show how forgiving and open-hearted Wonder Woman is. But seeing it happen twice in such a short time makes it look like the writer is running out of ideas.
The art has a nice classical look to it. The human figures are very well-posed and their faces, while not realistic, do convey a deep sense of emotion. But the backgrounds look rather empty for such a major storyline. Were the artists rushed because the story was re-written? Or perhaps I am just jumping to conclusions.
Rating: 6.5/10
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