Wonder Woman #22
By Hervé St-Louis
May 15, 2017 - 11:27
DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka
Artist(s): Mirka Andolfo
Colourist(s): Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer(s): Jodi Wynne
Cover Artist(s): Bilquis Evely, Romulo Fajardo Jr.; Jenny Frisson
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Veronica Cale bids on Wonder Woman at a charity event but the real cause of her gesture is more sinister. What is she planning for Wonder Woman?
This issue brought many of the dangling plot points from the Year One storyline together, revealing what Wonder Woman will have to face in the present as she confronts veronica Cale, her arch-nemesis. Greg Rucka has delivered a great ending to the Year One and after storyline which ran with present-day stories. This Wonder Woman storyline is perhaps the best one published in years. It is at least more spectacular than even George Pérez’s work and this is not an easy accomplishment.
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Rucka shows us that Wonder Woman is not an idiot and knows that Cale is up to something sneaky.
While I enjoyed Mirka Andolfo’s issue, I missed Bilquis Evely’s handling of this issue. Her replacement created a break with the rest of the story by making Wonder Woman look like a young woman almost like an airhead. There was a lack of majestic demeanour in her interpretation. Andolfo’s work is fine but it was not the right tone for this story.
Rating: 8/10
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