Wonder Woman #13
By Hervé St-Louis
January 3, 2017 - 10:09
DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka
Penciller(s): Renato Guedes
Inker(s): Renato Guedes
Colourist(s): Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer(s): Jodi Wynne
Cover Artist(s): Liam Sharp, Brad Anderson; Jenny Frison
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Greg Rucka skipped a few details here. Wonder Woman’s state of shock was news to me. Why wasn’t Steve Trevor as affected? There are many things making this story less exciting and understandable than usual. Did Christopher Priest help write this one? I like the series and have been please with it so far. Although Steve Trevor’s inner monologue was fun to read, I still think that this was not the best issue so far.
All of DC Comics’ issues this month suffer from guest artist syndrome. Renato Guedes is a solid artist but like those in other comics I’ve reviewed in the past month, his work contrasts greatly with Liam Sharp, the regular illustrator on the current day stories. Even the colouring is different.
Rating: 7/10
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