Uncanny X-Men #16 Review
By Andy Frisk
July 23, 2012 - 11:00
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Kieron Gillen
Penciller(s): Daniel Acuna
Inker(s): Daniel Acuna
Colourist(s): Daniel Acuna
Letterer(s): VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Daniel Acuna
$3.99 US
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In yet another side story issue of Uncanny X-Men that exists on the periphery of the summer mega event Avengers vs. X-Men and proves itself more interesting than the main event itself, Kieron Gillen ramps up the action and demonstrates just what a serious threat the once silly looking Mr. Sinister has grown into over the years. In fact, Sinister is such a capable foe that Gillen might just have to have the other X-Men, left behind on Utopia last issue by the Phoenix Five so they “wouldn’t hurt themselves” in the battle against Sinister, come to their rescue. Gillen also weaves some dark humor into the story through his characterization of the twisted clones of many different X-Men past and present that Sinister has created. It’s the kind of humor that makes you laugh, then cringe…
Something that still isn’t cringe-worthy any way you look at it is Acuna’s continuing ability to bring to beautiful life some of the Marvel Universe’s most colorful characters. Handling all aspects of the art, from pencils to colors, Acuna continues to prove month in and month out that he’s one of the best sequential artists in the business.
While totally removed from the “real world” and comprised of complete fantasy and super-biological sci-fi, Uncanny X-Men continues to be high-brow superhero action and philosophizing in the best of the Mighty Marvel manner.
Rating: 8/10
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