Ultimate Spider-Man #125
By Zak Edwards
September 2, 2008 - 22:18
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Stuart Immonen
Inker(s): Wade von Grawbadger
Colourist(s): Justin Ponsor
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Stuart Immonen and Richard Isanove
$2.99 US, $3.05 Canada
So it’s time for the new Ultimate Spider-Man and Bendis has produced an issue which has left me conflicted. It was entertaining, I enjoyed reading it, but I can point out aspects of the issue which aren’t up to Ultimate Spider-Man’s usual great quality. So really this issue boils down to aesthetic reasons for me. It’s good because I enjoyed it and the escapism quality of superhero comic books was at the forefront.
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The art is still amazing and it is difficult to see another artist doing as good a job as Immonen when it comes to the pencilling. He cannot express emotion to the level Bagley did, but his action sequences more than make up for this. Maybe it was just the setting of the single scene of Peter Parker and not Spider-Man, but Immonen has simply begun to shade things heavier. It works for the most part, but can come across as too moody and also covering up. But a single look at Venom growling at a police officer wipes these thoughts away.
7/10 I liked, I really did. But some things annoyed me.
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