Ultimate Spider-Man #118
By Zak Edwards
February 5, 2008 - 12:38
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Stuart Immonen
Cover Artist(s): Stuart Immonen
Ultimate Spider-Man has never really been about Spider-Man. This series has always, and continues to, draw its strength from Peter Parker. Some of the best and most memorable issues have made use of the Peter Parker character and the realistic, believable, and well-rounded supporting cast that inhabit the world of Ultimate Spider-Man. Indeed, those issues barely even have Spider-Man physically present in them, issues like issue #13 when Peter revealed being Spider-Man to Mary-Jane, the issue with Aunt May in therapy, or the issue with all of the kids in detention with the nod to the movie “The Breakfast Club,” or most recently, Issue #111 with Peter and Aunt May have ‘the talk.’ Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen create a near-perfect issue this month with Ultimate Spider-Man #118, drawing on all of the major positives this series has become known for.
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But enough about the first two pages. The inner monologue beginning with AARRGGHH!!! is repeated for six different characters without becoming boring or appearing lazy, rather, this repetition serves to unite all of the characters. All of the supporting cast are dealing with issues similar to Kenny, feelings of isolation, unhappiness, discontentment with one’s self and the world around them. The characters who are a part of this AARRGGHH!!! monologue are still relevant to the story line and their importance is never needing to be questioned. These characters display their development in these monologues, exposing themselves and showing how they have changed and continue to grow. This series separates itself from the mainstream continuity of Spider-Man and other titles like X-Men with the fact that Ultimate Spider-Man is still about a high school Peter Parker. Where Amazing Spider-Man is about an adult man with adult problems, Ultimate Spider-Man is about a high school kid with high school problems (like super powered scientists trying to kill him). This serves to simultaneously ground the series, keeping it away from space operas and other extreme science fiction, but also allow for drama that is more acceptable because of the age of the kids. The scene at school, with the exchanges between Kitty and Iceman, Johnny and the entire cast, Peter and the other super heroes display this drama and is used for humour and excitement. So yes, this issue is all about high school kids moaning about their lives, but their lives are much more interesting than those reading about it and Bendis has created a powerful, well-rounded supporting cast that he can draw upon to make great issues like this one.
Another great scene of this issue (there’s a lot of them) is when Bobby Drake (Iceman of the X-Men), Johnny Storm (the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four) are discussing Nick Fury. The discussion is obviously a heavy one about a man looked upon with many different opinions, but the characters handle the discussion like their age would reflect. The conversation opens up with a movie reference, is interrupted with another movie reference, and ends with a distraction by girls in swimsuits. The conversation contains a believability despite the fact it is about a super-spy in another dimension and the participants are all costumed super heroes.
Immonen and Bendis are shown to be a perfect match-up throughout the entire issue, in one page in particular. With Kitty Pryde’s AARRGGHH!!! monologue, Kitty is sitting alone in the school cafeteria and opens up by stating (after the AARRGGHH!!!), “Stop staring at me!” The students foreground of Immonen’s panel are not staring at her, in fact, they appear to not even realize she exists. Some of the students in the background could be staring, but this panel polarizes Bendis’ melodrama with Immonen’s objective pencilling for some very effective and engaging effects. The entire art team needs to be recognized for enhancing Immonen’s pencils. Inker Wade von Grawbadger creates some moody panels with dramatic shading that make the art team a director of sorts and lends to a cinematic feel. The last panel of the first page is an example of this, with Peter being darkly shaded to reflect his emotional state. This lack of colour is contrasted in a couple of scenes, particularly with the pastel colouring of the scene at the mall with Liz Allen. The happy colouring contrasts to unhappiness felt by everyone in the scene. Their is a couple of problems with the art; some of the male characters appear more feminine in random panels and vice versa. One panel in particular with head shots of Kitty and Peter with both characters looking almost identical, right down to the haircuts. There is another panel that makes Kenny look like he’s wearing mascara. But other than this, Immonen’s art continues to be a perfect choice for this title and he is aided greatly by the rest of the art team.
10/10 It’s always exciting to be tempted to use the word literature when referring to a comic book, especially a mainstream super hero comic book.
Well, thanks for reading this whole article. Remember, feel free to e-mail mature thoughts and feelings to zak@comicbookbin.com.
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