Ultimate Comics: Avengers #6
By Zak Edwards
April 28, 2010 - 17:37
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Mark Millar
Penciller(s): Carlos Pacheco
Inker(s): Dexter Vines
Colourist(s): Justin Ponsor
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Carlos Pacheco
$3.99 US
The last time I reviewed the new version of the Ultimates helmed by Mark Millar, I criticized Millar’s series of being less politically and socially relevant than his first two Ultimates series, despite how enjoyable UC: Avengers is. The series had much of its original charm, the heroes are even less heroic now than they were then, although lacking the self-righteousness of the past; the action sequences are very entertaining as well, and the whole series is simply a great comic book from that perspective. But for all this, the series was lacking the depth of other works of Millar’s which, however reductively, examine the hero in different ways than just the norm. This critique held until the last few pages of this issue, where Millar seemed to be just setting up for the next wave of the
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As for the art, penciller Carlos Pacheco has a great style and talent, its just for the wrong book. Every issue has looked amazing for the entire series. Pachelo is crisp, clear, and certainly doesn’t try to cut corners, and this goes for the entire art team. But the issues are missing the grit of the original and looks too clean cut and pretty for a series attempting to question the very nature of the hero in a post 9/11 world. As Millar said recently in an interview with The AV Club, the uniform still has a power in America, a fact Millar finds fascinating and disturbing. Aside from a tone difference in the art, there is honestly nothing wrong, but this difference is quite profound at times. In the final scenes, when Gail dramatically hugs Steve Rogers, the emotional impact and resonance is simply not there. The scene looks awkward and insincere. Which, to an extent, it is, but I don’t think the art conveys this. Simply unfortunate, but hopefully Leinel Francis Yu will correct this problem.
Grade: B+ A slow start, but certainly not lacking in fun on the way.
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