Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #3
By Zak Edwards
April 28, 2011 - 13:30
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Mark Millar
Penciller(s): Leinil Yu
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
$3.99 US
After such a stellar start, Mark Millar’s return to a book with the word “Ultimates” settled a little with the second issue. Millar has a tendency to start with an incredible first issue and save the world building for issue number two, and this was the case for this series. But issue three, after establishing that there isn’t a good guy, only two bad guys trying to be less bad, Millar’s latest Ultimate book reclaims some ground. This series reads startlingly like his original Ultimates run in so many places and I feel, similarly to this week’s issue of Ultimate Spider-Man, that the insistence on a crossover is hurting two otherwise great books.
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Leinil Yu’s strengths and weaknesses are almost augmented in this issue. His expressions aren’t anything particularly interesting, but his ability to piece together an action sequence is worth it. For every scene where a character looks like they are about to drool with a complete lack of anything going on upstairs, there’s a scene like Blade’s capturing of Carol Danvers as he flies out a window. The whole thing sort of balances out. Millar’s script is strongest where the art is the weakest, but the point where Millar stops writing, and you can almost see the “For the next three pages, blow things up” of the script, is when Yu starts to do interesting things. It’s a glass half empty, half full scenario, so I am saying the glass is 50% air and liquid.
Grade: B This series needs less Spider-Man, less action, and more Ultimates 2.
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