Titans #1
By Andy Doan
May 19, 2008 - 08:30
DC Comics
Writer(s): Judd Winick
Penciller(s): Ian Churchill
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Letterer(s): Comic Craft
Cover Artist(s): Ian Churchill
ISBN: 61941266145
US/CAN $3.50, 22
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The concept of this title had me very excited early on. I'm a bit of a newbie to the DCU. My only knowledge of the Teen Titans previous to this comes from the (awesome) WB cartoon series. I was very interested to see how the characters from the original group interacted in normal DC continuity. Most of these characters have slipped in and out of obscurity for the last 10 years to the degree that a little reintroduction couldn't hurt. There's also potential for one or more of the D list characters in the book to be killed right off to create a little drama. Gotta admit, Donna Troy's lameness sticks out like a sore thumb.
Unfortunately this book deals with very little outside of the logistics behind getting this group together again. Unless you come into this with preexisting knowledge about Titan history most of what happens here won't mean a great deal.
I can't help to think that this whole thing might have been structured more creatively. Everyone knew that the old Titans had to come together for this book. Why couldn't we have started there? The first book in a new series should make an argument for it's place in the world rather then simple explain the premise that it's being built on.
Beyond the lack of drive in this issue I do have a couple other problems with it. Why is the story line a continuation from a book that came out 6 months ago that I never heard of? I'm assuming entire timeline of the book is set out by a few months because of the configuration of the current Teen Titans and the location of Donna Troy.
The art work in the book is pretty solid. Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy look pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing an update of the Cybrog Character. To me he's never really stepped out of the 80's and he's always reminded me of that creepy computer lady from the end of the Superman 3 movie.
Personally I'm wondering if Winick has the skills to launch a new super team book. My experiences with his writing has been kind of flat to date. Of his older work I'd have to put his run on Green Arrow with the reintroduction of Speedy as his best. More recently I found the "Trials of Shazam" mini series dry despite the appeal of the concept. I've been struggling with the current Green Arrow/Black Canary series for the same reason. It's seems that's he's able to balance greatness with absurdity within the same plot line. Stories that work as "High Concepts" seem to miss the mark more times than not.
I'm willing to stick this one out for another couple issues even if I'm not willing to recommend it. The idea of seeing Nightwing, Raven and Starfire together seems to be able to outweigh my better judgement for now.
Rating: 7 - Midly Entertaining/10
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