Titans # 2
By Koppy McFad
May 20, 2008 - 22:40
DC Comics
Writer(s): Judd Winick
Penciller(s): Joe Benitez
Inker(s): Victor Llamas
Cover Artist(s): Joe Benitez, Victor Llamas
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This issue opens with a splash page of a beautiful, scantily-clad woman, bound in a way that thrusts her breasts right up to the reader's face. This sets the stage for the rest of the comic.
In this second issue of a revived title, reuniting the Teen Titans of the 1980s, the team discovers the identity of the foe who has been attacking all former Titan members. Basically, it is Trigon. No, this is not a spoiler, since they announce Trigon's involvement right on the cover and make no attempt to hide his involvement throughout the story.
Aside from that, barely anything happens in this comic. Instead, we do get to see a lot of T and A and read a lot of juvenile banter, much of it coming right out of nowhere. Raven travels to her father's realm and is mysteriously transformed into a stripper with a set of perky, new boobies. (Isn't she suppose to be, physically only 16 years old?) Donna Troy has big hair and a new costume that seems to emphasize her breasts. All of the characters, including Raven, talk like sarcastic, smart-alec teenagers, even when they are discussing the near-fatal injuries suffered by their friends.
The issue isn't completely bad. The art, despite all the cheesecake, has a liveliness about it that would have made for some great action sequences-- if there were more action. Some of the jokes are actually funny, like the one where Red Arrow blows Raven up.
But other than that, this issue does not seem to amount to anything. If anything, it looks as though the Titans creative team is going for the lowest common denominator with sex and low-brow humour.
Rating: 5 - Pass/10
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