Thor God of Thunder #8 Review
By Andy Frisk
May 17, 2013 - 00:56
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Jason Aaron
Penciller(s): Esad Ribic
Colourist(s): Ive Svorcina
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Sabino
Cover Artist(s): Esad Ribic
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In Part Two of "Godbomb," which continues the tale of Thor's battle with Gorr the Godkiller, both contemporary Thor and the aged future All-Father Thor converge on the desolate world upon which Gorr is constructing his ultimate weapon of mass deific destruction: a mysterious bomb that will wipe out all divine beings in all of the known universe. Young Thor, trapped upon the planet and slave to Gorr's will along with many other gods who are being forced to mine the materials necessary to complete the Godbomb, discovers a plot by none other than his future granddaughters to undue Gorr's work. It will take the combined might of all three Thors though to avert the catastrophe that Gorr plans to unleash...
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Just as Aaron's stint on Thor matches Straczynski's, artist Esad Ribic's artistic stint is equal to Olivier Coipel's (Straczynski's artist) stint . In fact, not since Coipel's stint on Thor has the character looked this good, and in some ways he looks even better now. Ribic's absolutely stunning pencils, with their incredibly realistic portrayals of human (and strange god-like) anatomy coupled with their beautiful facial expressions, are unlike nearly any portrayal of Thor and his supporting cast that we've seen thus far. Add Ive Svorcina's colors, and Thor God of Thunder is the most realistic and organic looking take on Thor we've ever seen.
So as Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic have shown us again, great characters in the hands of great writers and artists can really lead to some stunning art, and Thor God of Thunder is one hell of a great work of art.
Rating: 9/10
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