The Way Of The Rat 01
By Patrick Oliver
June 30, 2009 - 17:22
GrossGen Comics
Writer(s): Chuck Dixon
Penciller(s): Jeff Johnson
Inker(s): Tom Ryder
Colourist(s): Chris Garcia
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear
$1.25 US
To catch a thief
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- Our lives are predetermined, no matter what we do we can't change that.
- Or..we shape the course our own destinies.
And so we come to Way of the Rat. A tale of a thief who will become so much more than that, but resist, kicking and screaming all the way. This battle and rebellion provides great amusement to the reader. That it is so well rendered and told is also a joy. With a cast of characters, rough and conniving and calculating and cold, it is a pleasure to read. Add a few enigmatic folk who we don't readily know what their motivations are and we have a romping good mystery!
The artwork is simple yet detailed, slightly rough also yet quite elegant at the same time. It flows on the page. And the action scenes are sinewy and acrobatic and almost balletic too. They wouldn't look out of place in a big screen production and would have members of the audience nodding appreciatively. As it is, I was impressed as I read this.
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So what of this destiny I mentioned? Well at one stage, Boon Sai Hong's tutor (though he doesn't know it yet) says, ''And you..the gods alone know why... were chosen to wear it''. Interesting. Wear what? (Nope, not spoiling it!) Let's see what fate has in store for our reluctant hero from here on in shall we? I can promise you this; it's a very entertaining ride.
For Amy
Rating: 9/10
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