The New Avengers #16.1
By Hervé St-Louis
October 2, 2011 - 11:14
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Neal Adams
Inker(s): Tom Palmer
Colourist(s): Paul Mounts
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Neal Adams, Paul Mounts
$2.99 US
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If I’m not mistaken this is Neal Adams’s return to the Marvel universe. His work, as seen in other comics recently has not aged properly. What looked dynamic and groundbreaking two decades ago, looks deformed and almost a caricature of his old work. There is a lot of excess in shapes and faces. There is no control in the compositions. Still, the comic book reads quite well as he’s still a great storyteller.
The story is a no-brainer and sets up the next main storyline for the New Avengers for the next year. There is still some subtle humour from Bendis and some mistrust between Spider-man and Victoria Hand. Its a good story that feels like one is reading a comic book from another time. As a one shot, this story is not forgettable but a good set up for whatever Bendis has in store for 2012. The thing is, do we really want to read Norman Osborne’s revenge on the Avengers?
Rating: 7/10
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