DC Comics
The Flash #19
By Paul Mason
March 22, 2017 - 04:36

DC Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson
Penciller(s): Jesus Merino, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Inker(s): Andy Owens, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colourist(s): Chris Sotomayor
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
Cover Artist(s): Carmine Di Giandomenico; Howard Porter, Hi-Fin


The opening panels in the second part of this story arc has kid flash, flash and captain boomerang  tied to posts by the weavers with bonds that the flash is incapable of vibrating through due to an electric current within them. Facing a firing squad of weavers. Boomerang suggests they make a game of it using flash as a moving target in a twisted game and thus the set up for escape is laid out.

Captain boomerang is a classic rogue and member of the suicide squad and in the spirit of a complicated deal between Waller and her Squad and the Rogues and Flash the chemistry between the heroes and this particular “villain ” is both well established and a subtle plot device to provide humour. The art also contains some visual Humour seeing the flash dodge bullets with Boomerang dragging along with him. But as importantly again the kinetic art complements the action in the story as this chapter in the story arc is action packed.


And so it should be after so many years no matter which reboot or iteration these are well established DC characters, all the necessary character building has been long established leaving Williamson free to jam packed the issue with plot and action.

The plot wasn’t advanced too far in this issue , but a key revelation comes to light imbuing it with the emotional impact one has come to expect from a Flash comic.
Overall rating 7.5/10

Rating: 7.5/10

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