The First X-Men #1 Review
By Andy Frisk
August 4, 2012 - 03:00
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Neal Adams and Christos Gage
Penciller(s): Neal Adams
Colourist(s): Matthew Wilson
Letterer(s): VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist(s): Neal Adams and Clayton Cowles
$3.99 US
So Logan, in his pre-Wolverine days (meaning pre-adamantium skeleton and Weapon X days), had an idea similar to what Charles Xavier had, but had a lot less money, influence, and power to enact it. It’s a dream that Logan is passionate about though. Passionate enough that he influences Charles Xavier to begin his quest. It’s a pretty cool idea and retroactively lends even more credence to Logan’s recent desire to open The Jean Grey School as a successor to Xavier’s Institute. It also elevates Logan near to Xavier’s level in his importance to mutant- and human-kind. It seems a little sacrilegious to put Logan above Xavier, at least at the outset of the X-mythos (Xavier really doesn’t want anything to do with being a mutant at this point), especially for anyone who’s followed Logan/Wolverine since his debut, but I really like that Logan/Wolverine has become such a dynamic character and is no longer just a mindlessly violent one.
Overall, The First X-Men should remain canon after the Marvel NOW! changes that are immanent, and I certainly hope so. I really like the idea that Logan was very much a good guy in the early goings before Weapon X and all. It reinforces his current position as prime protector and educator of mutant children.
Rating: 7.5/10
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